Surely it’s cooling off in North Carolina as Sarah and her family bundle up for Fall. This means early evening soccer practices and kicking freshly fallen leaves down the sidewalks on the walks home from the local school.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles we just got through another heat wave and Betsy and her new puppy are so grateful for their new life with an air conditioner.

Betsy’s new family puppy matches her new black windows!

Butterflies aloft

One of Sarah’s rental properties gets a new life in a once drab breakfast nook

An underwater bedroom theme, in the making

Laney got her first haircut

We are still dyin over all indigo mudcloth and shibori goodness in our shop

Sarah had a thing with a floor

Pearl River Mart had some gems in classic blue and white
You can always follow along in real time via Instagram – our most favorite place to hang out when we aren’t here on the blog.
SARAH is @theestateofthings
BETSY is @betsymoyer
Also, we introduced a products only instagram account for the shop. Follow it here @shopteot
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From Our Phones was originally created for The Estate of Things. Join us for more home renovation ideas.
The post From Our Phones appeared first on The Estate of Things.